Home / Learn


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All the Learning You Need

Quick and easy access to learning resources and events

Unlock Your Potential

Get the skills and knowledge you need to be successful in your projects and careers.

Attend live, instructor-led classes online, take advantage of self-paced learning, or participate in user events and conferences.

Learning Resources

Access training resources, learning paths and helpful videos about Bentley software. Find MicroStation training, ProjectWise training, OpenRoads training and many other software tutorials.

Learn MicroStation with online training

On Demand Learning

  • Learning Paths
  • Course-based
  • At your own pace
  • On-demand or Hands-on
Watch MicroStation YouTube Videos

YouTube Videos

  • Short duration
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Targeted topical videos
  • Packaged playlists
Access MicroStation user community

User Communities

  • Connect with Bentley experts and industry peers
  • Exchange  advice
  • Tips and tricks resources

Learning Events

Join virtual MicroStation classroom

Classroom Learning

  • Virtual and local classrooms
  • Training Partner courses
  • QuickStart courses
  • E365 courses
Attend MicroStation User Conference

User Conferences

  • Bentley multi-day events
  • Live, in-person and virtual
  • Updates, announcements, and best practices by experts
Join MicroStation User Group

User Groups

  • Local meetings and conferences
  • Peer networking
  • Lectures and workshops
  • Learn, network, and lead
Find MicroStation User Events

User Events

  • Virtual learning events: Coffee Corners & Answer Hours
  • Bentley and Industry Events
  • Live presentations
Accreditation Programs

Accreditation Programs

Get accredited on Bentley’s products to show you have the essential skills to use the latest Bentley applications and be a valuable asset to your organization.

  • Official Bentley Credential
  • Industry Recognition
  • Best Practices
  • Career Advancement
  • Digital Badge

Bentley Education

Two person looking at computer

For Students and Educators

  • Talk with academic experts
  • Free student access to software
  • Skills improvement
  • Collaborate with other students

Bentley Training Partners

A group girl looking at computer screen

Global Directory of Training Partners

  • Bentley-authorized, highly experienced
  • Up-to-date on Bentley technology
  • Standard or custom instructor-led training
  • Global presence, local source

Celebrate Infrastructure Delivery & Performance Excellence

The 2024 Year in Infrastructure
and Going Digital Awards

Nominate a project for the most prestigious awards in infrastructure! Extended deadline to enter is April 29th.