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3D Digital Project of 220kv Substation in Baiguan Town, Zhuzhou City, Hunan

State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Survey, Design & Consulting to provide carbon-free solar energy to industrial parks in Baiguan Town


Energy Transition

An artist's rendering of a parking lot with a building in the background.

Story Highlights

Relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

SDG Goal 7 affordable and clean energy.

SDG Goal 9 industry, innovation and infrastructure.

SDG Goal 13 climate action.


Bentley Raceway and Cable Management, OpenBuildings Designer, OpenRoads Designer, OpenUtilities Substation, ProStructures




State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Survey, Design & Consulting Co., Ltd.

To help provide carbon-free solar energy to industrial parks in Baiguan, State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Survey, Design & Consulting was tasked with constructing a 330-kilowatt solar array, data center stations, electric vehicle charging stations, and 5G base stations. To design the complex, multidiscipline concept, they used Bentley applications to establish a single development platform and create 3D models of all assets. The digital designs improved efficiency, prevented errors, reduced the environmental footprint, and shortened construction time. Solar power from the array has eliminated 2,700 tons of carbon emissions per year.

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