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eagle.io – Pricing

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eagle.io Pricing

We offer a wide range of plan types and pricing options to meet the specific needs of your business. Each plan allows for unlimited users, unlimited workspaces, a dedicated subdomain, API access, managed accounts, and public dashboards. Scroll down to see our plan types and pricing options now. (Prices are in USD)

*Fees paid annually upfront or monthly in arrears

Choose your plan size

Plan capacity allows for the connection of data sources.
  • A Small data source (up to 3 parameters) will consume $4.32 of your plan capacity
  • A Medium data source (up to 10 parameters) will consume $10.08 of your plan capacity
  • A Large data source (up to 100 parameters) will consume $14.40 of your plan capacity


Yes. You can request a 30 day free trial to evaluate the service. No credit card required. Contact us to sign up.

A Data Source represents a single data logger or set of up to 10 related files. Each Data Source can have up to 100 parameters and supports the acquisition and storage of 20,000 records per day.

Data Sources are available in three sizes:

  • Small – A Data Logger, File Source or Processor with up to 3 parameters
  • Medium – A Data Logger, File Source or Processor with up to 10 parameters or an Attachment Source
  • Large – A Data Logger, File Source or Processor with up to 100 parameters

If a Data Source goes beyond the 100 Parameter limit, we will consider it as multiple Data Sources. As an example, if a Data Source has 250 Parameters, it will be counted as 3 Large Data Sources.

Yes. You can create any number of different data source sizes until your plan capacity is reached. As an example, on a Premium $5040/month plan, you can create 200 large data sources and 300 medium data sources.

You can increase capacity in 10 source increments for an additional fee of USD 144/month.

You can access additional features by upgrading to the Professional plan.

If you need assistance to write JavaScript code to transform your raw data, we can assist. JavaScript development services may be purchased in 8 hour blocks. This should be sufficient to develop 8 processors of moderate complexity. Contact us to purchase.

For monthly accounts, you will be automatically billed each month on your nominated VISA or MasterCard. You can also choose to prepay your account annually by invoice; an invoice will be sent to you which needs to be paid by bank transfer or credit card (subject to an additional 3.9% credit card processing fee) within 7 days of sign up.

We will notify the account owner by email when you are approaching your included SMS limit. Additional SMS can be purchased at $10 per 100 SMS / month.

We provide you with your own dedicated eagleiostg.wpengine.com subdomain. A custom domain may be added to your account for a fee of $1000 USD per year.

Customers on monthly subscriptions may change their account type at any time. Account type and capacity changes will be reflected immediately, the new fees will take effect at the start of your next billing period. If you have a fixed-term or pre-paid agreement, you may upgrade at any time, we will issue you with a pro-rata invoice for the remaining months of your fixed-term agreement. Downgrade requests will be applied to your next renewal period, payments made in advance are not refundable in the event of cancellation or downgrades mid-term.

You can terminate your account at any time with no cancellation fees. All time-series data can be easily extracted in a standard format prior to termination.


Service Level Agreement

iTwin IoT

As part of our commitment to continually improve and innovate, we are excited to introduce you to our more advanced condition monitoring platform, iTwin IoT.

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