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OpenRail ConceptStation

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OpenRail ConceptStation​

Conceptual Rail Design Software

Rapid conceptual designs

Quick-start rail projects by rapidly creating conceptual designs and improving the decision-making process.

What is OpenRail ConceptStation?

OpenRail ConceptStation gives you rail, electrification, tunnel, and bridge conceptual design capabilities to help you create intelligent models in context. Evaluate conceptual design options with real-world data and cost analysis to rapidly determine optimal designs. Utilize data acquisition, reality modeling, and conceptual design to eliminate high-cost and high-risk items in the preliminary and planning design stages of your rail network projects. Using OpenRail ConceptStation, you can:

  • Locate and download online, data-rich context from a variety of sources, such as point clouds, 3D reality meshes, terrain data, images, and geospatial information to bring real-world settings to your rail project.
  • Use 3D modeling with easy-to-use engineering sketching capabilities to quickly conceptualize rail, electrification, tunnel, and bridge designs.
  • Rapidly generate multiple design scenarios with associated project costs, and share with project teams and stakeholders to choose the best option.
  • Share realistic visualizations with the public and stakeholders to gather feedback, improve public engagements, and speed project approvals.
  • Evaluate Viable Track Alternatives
  • OpenRail ConcepStation Evaluate Alternatives

    Evaluate viable track alternatives

    Generate multiple design scenarios with associated costs for better decision making. Quickly evaluate designs to optimize rail, electrification, tunnel, and bridge designs to address criteria such as clearances and cost assessment for each concept. Input your own historical financial model to ensure realistic cost information as you determine the best alternative to move forward into detailed design.

  • Add Digital Context
  • OpenRail ConcepStation Incoporate Conextual Information

    Add digital context and provide stunning deliverables

    Jump-start the conceptual design process by locating and downloading data-rich context information for a given location or use 3D output from ContextCapture to model in a real-world setting. Add data you already have such as GIS and DGN to get more detail in your 3D models.

    You can create stunning photo-realistic visualizations in seconds using dynamic immersive visualization engine platform providing natural looking light and shadows, real-time global illumination, IES point and spotlights, lens flares, and luminous materials. Interactively adjust time of day, add lens flares, and apply depth of field while benefiting from highly accurate reflections, anti-aliasing, and motion blur.

  • Design Conceptual Electrification Systems
  • OpenRail ConceptStation screen showing electric track design

    Design conceptual electrification systems

    Enhance your conceptual track designs with overhead line electrification systems from libraries of masts and portals catering for single and double cantilevers and wire runs with stagger and overlaps, all while adhering to design standards.

OpenRail ConcepStation Evaluate Alternatives

Evaluate viable track alternatives

Generate multiple design scenarios with associated costs for better decision making. Quickly evaluate designs to optimize rail, electrification, tunnel, and bridge designs to address criteria such as clearances and cost assessment for each concept. Input your own historical financial model to ensure realistic cost information as you determine the best alternative to move forward into detailed design.

OpenRail ConcepStation Incoporate Conextual Information

Add digital context and provide stunning deliverables

Jump-start the conceptual design process by locating and downloading data-rich context information for a given location or use 3D output from ContextCapture to model in a real-world setting. Add data you already have such as GIS and DGN to get more detail in your 3D models.

You can create stunning photo-realistic visualizations in seconds using dynamic immersive visualization engine platform providing natural looking light and shadows, real-time global illumination, IES point and spotlights, lens flares, and luminous materials. Interactively adjust time of day, add lens flares, and apply depth of field while benefiting from highly accurate reflections, anti-aliasing, and motion blur.

OpenRail ConceptStation screen showing electric track design

Design conceptual electrification systems

Enhance your conceptual track designs with overhead line electrification systems from libraries of masts and portals catering for single and double cantilevers and wire runs with stagger and overlaps, all while adhering to design standards.

OpenRail ConceptStation Layout Conceptual Track Design
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OpenRail ConceptStation

  • Quick-start rail projects by rapidly creating conceptual designs
  • Layout conceptual track designs
  • Design conceptual electrification systems
  • Deliver real-time visualization of actual design content without the need for a dedicated visualization specialist

*Prices vary per region. For more options, see licensing and subscriptions section.

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OpenRail ConceptStation is Bentley’s conceptual rail design software. It allows you to rapidly create conceptual designs during the preliminary and planning design stages of your rail network projects. The software lets you quickly jump-start your project, improve the decision-making process, and eliminate high-cost and high-risk items. With rail, electrification, tunnel, and bridge design capabilities, you can create intelligent models in context and evaluate your conceptual design options with real-world data and cost analysis to rapidly determine optimal designs.
The price of OpenRail ConceptStation varies per region. While there are various types of licensing available, a common choice is the 12-month practitioner license offered through Bentley’s eStore. When you purchase through the eStore, you get a Virtuoso Subscription. This means you get the software and “Keys” (tokens) to redeem for customizable training, mentoring, and consulting services.


Intel Pentium-based or AMD Athlon-based processor 2.0 GHz or greater.

Operating System

Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x 64


16 GB minimum (more memory typically results in better performance)

Disk Space

9 GB minimum free disk space (which includes the 5.6 GB install footprint for a complete installation)

Input Devices

Mouse or digitizing tablet (Digitizing tablet requires vendor-supplied WINTAB driver or Bentley’s Digitizer Tablet Interface, the latter included with OpenRoads Designer installation.)

For the most up-to-date system requirements, visit Bentley Communities.

Licensing and Subscription options

Choose What is Right for You

One-year license with training

Virtuoso Subscription – A popular choice for small and medium-sized businesses

Get access to software that comes with training – fast! Bentley’s eStore, Virtuosity, offers a convenient way to lease a 12-month license of Bentley software for a low, upfront cost. Every online purchase through Virtuosity comes as a Virtuoso Subscription that includes training and auto-renewals.

With no contract required, it’s easy to get started quickly.

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One-time purchase with support

Perpetual License with SELECT

A perpetual license of Bentley software is a one-time purchase, with a yearly maintenance subscription, called SELECT. This includes 24/7/365 technical support, learning resources, and the ability to exchange licenses for other software once a year. With SELECT, you will benefit from:

  • License pooling, so you can access your software from multiple computers.
  • Access additional Bentley software with Term Licenses, which allow you to pay for what you use without the upfront cost of purchasing a perpetual license.

Annual renewal quotes are delivered directly to your inbox, and our experienced Renewal Representatives are available to answer your questions and guide you through any changes you’d like to make.

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