Mobility Simulation
Build a model based on key inputs such as design, demand, and operational data
Predict and simulate the impact of infrastructure changes to plan ahead
Set up and run user-defined analyses and generate rich outputs based on a variety of metrics
Mobility Simulation Software
Multimodal, integrated transport planning, modeling, and analysis software that opens paths to better mobility.
Includes the OpenPaths CUBE and OpenPaths EMME multimodal transport planning, OpenPaths AGENT demand modeling, and OpenPaths DYNAMEQ traffic simulation software.
Model & simulate the movement of people to optimize pedestrian infrastructure
featured user stories
Western Cape Province
Travel Demand Model for Cape Province
CUBE filled data gaps, employed innovative modeling techniques, offered integrated modeling tools, and created local experts for continued success.
London Underground
Simulating Movement
LEGION helped assess and improve the subterranean station upgrade from planning, design, and operation.
Optimize People Movement in A Railway Station Expansion
The design team used pedestrian simulations in LEGION to inform and optimize design of Gare du Nord expansion.