Reality and Spatial Modeling
Bring Real-world reality data to your project
Capture and process
Capture, process, edit and reuse existing site condition data with our 3D imaging and point-cloud processing software
Organize and Manage
Optimize and manage massive amounts of imagery, point cloud, and 3D mapping data from a variety of sources
Share and collaborate
Accelerate the decision-making process and improve collaboration when you quickly share reality data across your teams
Reality and Spatial Modeling Software
Add real-world digital context with your infrastructure projects with reality data (Reality Meshes, LiDAR point clouds, digital terrain models, mobile imagery) and GIS sources. Streamline your workflow to capture, manage, and share your reality and mapping data to provide precise digital context for design, construction, and operations decisions.
iTwin Capture Modeler enables you to automatically generate multiresolution 3D models at any scale and precision.
iTwin Capture Cloud Services leverages the power of cloud computing to capture, manage, analyze, and share reality data to create–and continuously update–a digital twin of your infrastructure.
Extract data and integrate point clouds, reality meshes, scalable terrain models, and raster imagery into your workflows.
Share unlimited volumes of planar/panoramic imageries, meshes and point clouds of your mobile, oblique, indoor, UAS, or terrestrial mapping data.
Access Bentley’s most popular reality modeling applications, iTwin Capture Modeler and Reality Data Management.
Full collection of spatial analysis and presentation capabilities using and extracting 2D and 3D reality data.
Manage and optimize your reality data and save time with innovative tools to complete measurements, extract features, and perform advanced analysis.
featured user stories
Khatib & Alami
Digital Twin Improves Plan for Flooding
ContextCapture and LumenRT helped improve efficiencies, reduce costs, and deliver the project ahead of schedule.
Brazil’s Largest 3D Sanitation Map (Digitalization Of Rio De Janeiro)
Leveraging ContextCapture and Bentley’s open modeling applications, Aegea processed a total of 156,000 drone-captured photos to generate a 3D reality mesh and digital twin across 13 Brazilian states.
"Compounded with exceptional support, Bentley’s ContextCapture provided features to enable multi-engine processing using not just images but point clouds, something that none of the other software provided. ContextCapture proved to be consequential in completing the project with such good quality and high client satisfaction."
Khalid Farid Sallam, Geomatics Manager, Ala Abdulhadi & Khalifa Hawas Consulting Engineering Company