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iTwin Capture Manage & Extract

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iTwin Capture Manage & Extract

Manage Your Reality Data And Extract Features

Combine Reality Data Management and Feature Extraction

What Is ITwin Capture Manage & Extract?

iTwin Capture Manage & Extract combines advanced reality data management and powerful feature extraction into a single user-friendly desktop application. iTwin Capture Manage & Extract gives you a full 3D 360-degree view of the world by enabling the real-time fusion of various reality data of any size from any system.

  • Reality Data & GIS
  • Orbit 3DM Content Manager Software Screen Mockup

    Reality Data and Traditional GIS

    Hardware-neutral, independent from any post-processing software, and scalable, iTwin Capture Manage & Extract lets you take massive amounts of spherical images, planar images, oblique images, point clouds, and textured meshes and combine them with traditional GIS resources, such as vector data, orthophotos, and raster images. Import reality data captured with terrestrial, mobile, and aerial mapping systems, taken on the road, rail, water, and in the air, both indoor and outdoor, and aboveground and belowground.

  • Visualize & Navigate
  • Orbit 3DM Feature Extraction Software Screen Mockup

    Visualize and Navigate

    View and navigate your mapping data in 2D or 3D, automatically play through all supporting images, and overlay any 2D and 3D vector data. iTwin Capture Manage & Extract lets you set various point cloud legend options, such as transparency and view depth. By defining point cloud viewing modes, you can see stereo, perspective, and isometric 3D views. You can also effectively overlay your point cloud data on images using colorized hovering capabilities to detect underlying surfaces, snap to the nearest point, and interpolate between points to track surfaces, ridges, and corners.

  • Manage, Catalog, & Adjust
  • Orbit 3DM Content Manager Software Screen Mockup

    Manage, Catalog, and Adjust Reality Data

    iTwin Capture Manage & Extract enables you to manage, catalog, access, adjust, and verify your reality data. Smart templates simplify and enable automation to import your reality data from any capturing system and post-processing software. Verify and correct the accuracy of capture data using ground control points, trajectory adjustment, and capabilities for post-collection calibration. Catalog and organize your data, and then complete metadata and tagging to keep your project overview and get easy access to any data at any time.

  • Extract Assets & Analyze
  • Orbit 3DM Feature Extraction Software Screen Mockup

    Extract Assets and Advanced Analysis

    iTwin Capture Manage & Extract allows you to complete simple and complex measurements, extract features, and perform advanced analysis. You can make measurements using any reality data and extract them into GIS features.

    Create and verify your asset inventory. Perform manual, semi-, and full-automated measurements using point cloud data, combined with object-oriented workflows and domain-specific analysis, such as bridge clearance, clash detection, profiles and cross sections, and road rutting analysis.

  • Teamwork Centralized Database
  • Orbit 3DM Content Manager Software Screen Mockup

    Teamwork Using a Centralized Database

    Operators can work independently or collaborate to become efficient feature production teams.

    Team managers can set up your production unit, import reality data, prepare feature extraction workflow, and manage workspaces for multiple operators.

    Extracted assets can be stored in the centralized database that provides real-time adjustments for all operators. Additional metadata, attribute information, documents, and snapshots can be added or attached.

    Simple procedures maximize the operator’s productivity. Team and user activity is logged to create reports and get insights for finetuning your production.

Orbit 3DM Content Manager Software Screen Mockup

Reality Data and Traditional GIS

Hardware-neutral, independent from any post-processing software, and scalable, iTwin Capture Manage & Extract lets you take massive amounts of spherical images, planar images, oblique images, point clouds, and textured meshes and combine them with traditional GIS resources, such as vector data, orthophotos, and raster images. Import reality data captured with terrestrial, mobile, and aerial mapping systems, taken on the road, rail, water, and in the air, both indoor and outdoor, and aboveground and belowground.

Orbit 3DM Feature Extraction Software Screen Mockup

Visualize and Navigate

View and navigate your mapping data in 2D or 3D, automatically play through all supporting images, and overlay any 2D and 3D vector data. iTwin Capture Manage & Extract lets you set various point cloud legend options, such as transparency and view depth. By defining point cloud viewing modes, you can see stereo, perspective, and isometric 3D views. You can also effectively overlay your point cloud data on images using colorized hovering capabilities to detect underlying surfaces, snap to the nearest point, and interpolate between points to track surfaces, ridges, and corners.

Orbit 3DM Content Manager Software Screen Mockup

Manage, Catalog, and Adjust Reality Data

iTwin Capture Manage & Extract enables you to manage, catalog, access, adjust, and verify your reality data. Smart templates simplify and enable automation to import your reality data from any capturing system and post-processing software. Verify and correct the accuracy of capture data using ground control points, trajectory adjustment, and capabilities for post-collection calibration. Catalog and organize your data, and then complete metadata and tagging to keep your project overview and get easy access to any data at any time.

Orbit 3DM Feature Extraction Software Screen Mockup

Extract Assets and Advanced Analysis

iTwin Capture Manage & Extract allows you to complete simple and complex measurements, extract features, and perform advanced analysis. You can make measurements using any reality data and extract them into GIS features.

Create and verify your asset inventory. Perform manual, semi-, and full-automated measurements using point cloud data, combined with object-oriented workflows and domain-specific analysis, such as bridge clearance, clash detection, profiles and cross sections, and road rutting analysis.

Orbit 3DM Content Manager Software Screen Mockup

Teamwork Using a Centralized Database

Operators can work independently or collaborate to become efficient feature production teams.

Team managers can set up your production unit, import reality data, prepare feature extraction workflow, and manage workspaces for multiple operators.

Extracted assets can be stored in the centralized database that provides real-time adjustments for all operators. Additional metadata, attribute information, documents, and snapshots can be added or attached.

Simple procedures maximize the operator’s productivity. Team and user activity is logged to create reports and get insights for finetuning your production.

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iTwin Capture Import & Upload

Enhance Your Reality Data and Collaboration

Our free desktop application allows you to seamlessly import, upload, and manage your reality data.

Orbit 3DM Feature Extraction Software Screen Mockup
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iTwin Capture Manage & Extract

  • Reality data and traditional GIS
  • Visualize and navigate
  • Manage, catalog, and adjust reality data
  • Extract features and advanced analysis
  • Teamwork using a centralized database

*Prices vary per region. For more options, see licensing and subscriptions section.

User Quote

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iTwin Capture Manage & Extract provided ease of integration for our MasterMind custom mobile mapping system. The application offered an extensive amount of asset inventory capabilities.



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iTwin Resource Center


iTwin Capture Manage & Extract empowers you to organize, catalog, verify, and adjust your reality data, no matter the size or type. Additionally, the desktop application allows you to complete simple and complex measurements, extract features, and perform advanced analysis using any reality data.

The price of iTwin Capture Manage & Extract varies per region. While various types of licensing are available, a common choice is the 12-month practitioner license offered through Bentley’s eStore. When you purchase through the eStore, you get a Virtuoso Subscription. This means you get the software and “Keys” (tokens) to redeem for customizable training, mentoring, and consulting services.

Recommended: 64 Bit, 16 GB RAM, Intel Core i7 equivalent or higher, Windows 7 or higher, Windows Server 2003 or higher

For the most up-to-date system requirements, visit Bentley Communities.

Licensing and Subscription options

Choose What is Right for You

One-year license with training

Virtuoso Subscription – A popular choice for small and medium-sized businesses

Get access to software that comes with training – fast! Bentley’s eStore, Virtuosity, offers a convenient way to lease a 12-month license of Bentley software for a low, upfront cost. Every online purchase through Virtuosity comes as a Virtuoso Subscription that includes training and auto-renewals.

With no contract required, it’s easy to get started quickly.

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Bentley Systems

One-time purchase with support

Perpetual License with SELECT

A perpetual license of Bentley software is a one-time purchase, with a yearly maintenance subscription, called SELECT. This includes 24/7/365 technical support, learning resources, and the ability to exchange licenses for other software once a year. With SELECT, you will benefit from:

  • License pooling, so you can access your software from multiple computers.
  • Access additional Bentley software with Term Licenses, which allow you to pay for what you use without the upfront cost of purchasing a perpetual license.

Annual renewal quotes are delivered directly to your inbox, and our experienced Renewal Representatives are available to answer your questions and guide you through any changes you’d like to make.

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