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YII – 2023 Yearbook Articles

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2023 Yearbook Articles

Event Press Coverage

Read what the press are saying about the extraordinary infrastructure user projects and the event.

Hear from our executives, see how our users are advancing infrastructure, and read all about our event, as highlighted in our Infrastructure Yearbooks.

Bentley Sees Potential of AI, Subsurface Mapping
2023 is the Start of Infrastructure Intelligence
Year in Infrastructure Reinforces Data Stewardship
Mining Dark Data in CAD to Build Digital Twins
Waskita Karya Builds Toll Road with Digital Tech
4D Planning Expands Construction Digital Delivery
Digitizing Product Components for Building Safety
Singapore's Smart City, Indonesia's Infrastructure
Digital Twin Aids Interstate Highway Design Project
Hyundai Engineering Uses AI for Structural Design
Cardinal Gets His Geek On with Basilica Digital Twin
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